Friday, June 13, 2008


Hello all!

First thing's first, yesterday's WOD was a great one.


3 rounds of:

KB Swings
Sumo High Pull Deadlifts
800 Meter Run (half a mile)

w00t w00t, My score was 21:38 and I wanted to DIE.

To warm up I did frog squats and boxing squats. Can I just say, for the record, I absolutely ADORE frog squats a.k.a. "star jumpers".
I'm going to ask Stephen to make me a WOD with them.

Speaking of my beloved Stephen, he's off in Missouri till Sunday night and I miss him already.
Last night we met up with about 10 of our friends for drinks and to see Incredible Hulk.
Both Stephen and I cheated on our ZONE, he had wings and a chicken sandwich with fries and I had about 3 chicken fingers.
Let's just say that our bodies are NOT used to eating this way anymore AT ALL.
I've been having stomach problems since and I am now positive that I just can't tolerate fried food whatsoever. Going to hydrate all day, drink lots of water, try to eat some fruit and veggies (if I can keep 'em down) and do a light workout.

I lifted this one off today's CROSSFIT,

3 rounds of:
50 sit ups
50 back extensions
800 meter run.

Considering my current physical malady I might modify the WOD by replacing the run with something lighter. Hey, what about star jumpers??? That would rock. Let me keep drinking water and I'll tell you how it goes.

P.S. I love you Stephen!

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