Saturday, May 31, 2008

Saturday WOD Score

Ye Gods. That one didn't have an official "name" over at Crossfit HQ, and I was in the middle of suffering through its malevolence, the words "This is Sparta!!" came to mind, so there you go:

"This is Sparta!"
95LB Hang Squat Clean (Subbed 75lbs)
95LB Thruster (Subbed 75lbs)
Handstand Push-ups

Score: 26:08


Started off the morning with a 2 block breakfast, courtesy of chef Stephen.

Two omega eggs (protein) , red peppers and onions (carbs), olive oil (fat).

Read the beginning of Moveable Feast by Hemingway, going to get my own copy today when we do our weekend trip the bookstore.

Crossfit for today will be 8 rounds each of:

Kettlebell Swings

Will list the scores for each round upon its conclusion.

Lunch will most likely be salmon (protein) with 2/3 tsp of mayo(fat), on a hefty bed of spinach (carb).

Currently flipping through Archangels and the Ascended Masters, an anthology of deities from every religion. For physical fitness it points to Apollo, Oonagh, and Serapis Bey.
Two of the animals associated with Apollo are the wolf and the raven which describe Stephen and I perfectly and thus we deemed it appropriate for our blog.

Also reading A New Earth by Tole.
Re-reading graphic novel White-Out vol. 1 before I give it to Stephen to read.

(Yes we are well-rounded when it comes to our lit. )

For dinner we want to check out the Zone Eatery.

Lastly, I've been jamming to "American boy" by Estelle feat. Kanye West, for as V for Vendetta says "a revolution without dancing is a revolution not worth having".

Saturday WOD

Going to very much regret those beers I had last night (cheat night).

21, 15, and 9 rep rounds for time of:
95 pound Squat clean
L Pull-ups
95 pound Thruster
Handstand Push-ups

If I can get through this without dying, it shall be considered a great success.

For testing Purposes

First Post!